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Join the Movement

#GirlsToo is a national campaign to shift the deeply entrenched norms that lead to sexual harassment and violence in our society, and to create a culture where all girls and young people grow up safe, respected, and valued.


Pledge below to join in the movement against sexual harassment and violence.

  • I believe that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and that discrimination against girls and women harms everyone.
  • I recognize that our society perpetuates violence against women and girls, and I‘m committed to helping change the culture.
  • I will respect others and honor their right to say no.
  • I will no longer accept sexual harassment and sexual violence as part of growing up.
  • I will reflect on my own attitudes, beliefs and behaviors related to gender and sex, and challenge others to do the same.
  • I will take action to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and violence and support those affected.
  • Together, we will create a more equitable society that values and promotes the dignity of girls and all young people.